Hi, I'm Tom Bubul, welcome to my website. I'm an artist; I mainly make paintings and produce texts, but sometimes I make books, zines, or videos, perform, or do music projects.
I'm active on bsky, have an irregular studio account on but do not look at instagram, and love email (see top of page). I have a lot of interests, and am currently based in Minneapolis, MN. I got online in 1996 & have been working on computers more or less since, professionally since 2012.
This website is open daily from 8am-8pm in your local timezone. It is currently closed, but you can still feel free to look around. Here're the website's design tenets, and here's its reading room. It will hopefully be "under construction" forever. :)
If you enjoy your visit & wish to buy me a coconut water click here π΄
2/25: Gig poster for Torey & Hannah's DEMO at Resource, at which I also got to select two hours of dance music, first time doing so at not my own party(!)
1/25: Gig poster for "Synth Cult" event. Thanks Jaxon for asking!
1/25: Mixtape of my favorite Lazy Magnet songs.
2/25: 47th St studio is in effect.
12/24: Natalie & I moved in together on 47th St. Once again taking the studio apart and putting it back together.
11/24: My second appearance on Flan's show. :)
9/24: Finished two paintings of the dry hydrant and wrote about them.
9/24: Here's a gig poster for an upcoming Nada Records event:
9/24: I had an hour of slowed-down music play on channel 2 as part of NTS's "supporter radio" series. It lives on in the NTS archives. "Support for NTS today."
8/24: Very excited to have a piece of pope fiction, "The Resurrection Appearance at Parque LΓtico La Movediza," in issue 48 of n+1. :)
5/24: It's been two years in the house; here is the second annual report.
1/24: My new book is available now. Thank you Hannah & Colleen!
1/24: Guest Room is open for season 2. Here are 12 of the logo treatments I've made for it for so far:
1/24: My website's reading room is now open.π
1/24: John Fleischer's book "Each Thought the Other Wrong" & my book "Painting is the language of the demon" are having a joint release on February 3rd at David Petersen Gallery in Minneapolis on 2/3.
1/24: I developed a performance as "Slowing Time" for a gig at Sam's house I was supposed to play with Bryan and Julia's new group, but I got sick and couldn't do it. :( Maybe some other time? Here's the poster:
12/23: I put together some thoughts about Muslimgauze and an accompanying mix.
11/23: Got into writing fiction again this year.
11/23: Around thanksgiving I got to do this guest mix for "New Flanland" on WFMU. :)
10/23: Finally finished Flan's painting and wrote a little about it. π
10/23: Guest Room reopens this January. Email me if you'd like to get the email updates on our schedule; this project is otherwise irl only.
7/23: I'm 40. :) Updated links at top; RIP twitter.
5/23: I wrote an annual report on my year in my house.
3/23: Now taking ads for my upcoming zine, "painting is the language of the demon."
1/23: Updated my paintings website. Added a page here for Slowing Time documentation.
1/23: I made a guided tour of my Space 1026 show.
1/23: Natalie & I are running a weekly bar project, Guest Room, that's something of a spiritual successor to the restaurant. Season one runs through the spring. If you're in the twin cities on a Thursday & would like to visit, get in touch. π·
11/22: Read a nice writeup of Slowing Time by Corey Qureshi in Artblog. π
11/22: My show Slowing Time is up at Space 1026 from the 4th thru 25th.
10/22: Finished my year-two running goal of a completing a half marathon.
7/22: I'm 39 :)
5/22: Becca sold me the house:
12/30: Some reflections on the year.
11/15: Designed the tape packaging and made some jpegs Alex & Becca, whose split tape as Max Preparat / Island Queen Satans Flower respectively is available.
8/15: Fifth epoch begins. π
8/14: Fourth epoch ends. π
7/21: I'm 38 :)
"Castle mix" for my show at Fujichia.
Made a portrait of Marcel and contributed design for his record Vicious Kisses:
4/8/21: Selected Cousins and Braintrusts at Fujichia... shouts to Jacob!
3/25: Very excited to be imminently showing some new drawings; quick update to post the flyer for that. Opens April 8 at Fujichia:
2/1/21: Elegy for Bunny Lee for last year's FOD.
12/25/20: Pretty wild to reread the entry below at 1/17/20... "I wonder what will happen," jeez! Still, here's a top ten-ish list of good stuff in 2020.
12/20: My new zine, "Idea for a New Yorker cartoon," is out now. 48 pages of cartoons with a brief introduction, annotated with director's commentary. I'm really proud of this one; if you would like a copy, it's $5 ppd; just paypal me & email me your address.
11/16/20: As a sort of pandemic interlude on our now multi-year long print project, I designed the chest piece for this hoodie for Salad Editions aka BOBW. Hoodies were dyed by Andy, airbrushed by Stef, and printed at the shop. Check their bonkers website... big shouts out to MR BOTTOM LINE!
10/16/20: I made the cover image for Sug's "Fusion Edits," which is out today.
7/28/20: I'm 37 :)
7/21/20: It's been an extremely eventful time since the dungeons opened! Lots of new projects brewing, been painting a ton. For today, just a quick post to say that ad space for my new zine, "Idea for a New Yorker cartoon," due out in November, is now for sale.
5/21: Studio Judy is now in effect:
4/5/20: This website's dungeons are now open.
3/29/20: I decided to take some covid quarantine time to organize my files. As part of that, I made a tool to serve five images from my image archive whenever I open a new tab. That's on github.
3/13/20: Big big thanks to Laurel & Elliott for having me on HTML ENERGY to talk about this website :) :) listen/read here.
2/1/20: I have a little drawing of the late Philippe Zdar in the 2019 edition of "Faces of Death," a yearly print project organized by Michael Hambouz to commemorate the year's celebrity deceased. The release event for the print is Saturday 2/15 7pm, at my old studio, 700 Lorimer Street.
1/17/20: After 3.5+ years I decided to leave my job - today is my last day! I'm not immediately looking for work, but rather intend to spend the foreseeable future in the studio, for really as long as I can manage. Here's a page about supporting this effort... my page about commissioning a painting is now current as well.
I'm planning to have an extremely productive year - I haven't had such extended, unadulterated access to my own time since 2012! - and I couldn't be more excited about setting out. :) I wonder what will happen?
We're going someplace new / With our favorite things to do / These seeds / Will / Succeed!
Dec 9: In the hopes of preempting getting repeatedly riled up talking about it irl, I wrote what I hope is a useful FAQ about the Mauricio Cattelan "banana taped to a wall" piece, "Comedian."
Sept 27: This zine is now available. Info is still here.
August 6: I have a new zine coming out (with drawings from this sketchbook). First zine in 4.5 years!? Here's a page about getting a copy (free) or supporting it (optional).
August 5: I'm now collecting network info for the Wireless Access Point Guide.
July 29: Slowing time "Teachers megamix"
July 28: I'm 36 now :)
Added a page for the Ron Jon thread. Accompanying this is a draft of a text about using twitter.
Rare [IG] post = Extremely shook to see my black poster for me & mike's 2011 show up at the final 1026 show, two stars to the right of brinkman, one down from corey arcangel, two down from paper rad , a shot I wdn't have called when these very artists set me on my path 16 years ago. Still trying to honor their early influence & advance what I learned from them to this day. Deeply grateful to @space1026 for providing and including me in the context to make these connections, forever confusing the rest of my life.
6/9: I was briefly in Dallas for Ex Ovo's "Big summer t-shirt show", which I had an "art shirt" in. Me and longtime bud Travis "Tino Ward" Iurato did this collab shirt for the gallery while I was there.
New one , infinite jest painting pic.twitter.com/WebUYLh5NW
— Tom Bubul (@tombubul) April 13, 2019
2/19: Added a page with my current intentions.
2/19: Page for tracking my ongoing irl dice game, Morning Roll. Note that game data is only available during the website's open hours.
1/19: An irl convo I keep getting into is about whether instagram is listening to my phone. After the most recent one with Jeff & Allen, I made a page about this topic.
1/19: Moved my studio out of 42-50 Richards St.; it wasn't working out. Thanks to Sophie for witnessing this weird era as studiomate. :)
12/18: As a sort of preview for the 2.0 attempt at my movie blog with Davey, here're capsule reviews of every movie I watched this year.
I have a show of six paintings called "Thinking about" up at The White Page in Minneapolis - the results of my residency there - thru Nov 25. Here's a page with some info and images.
9/18: Moved my studio out of CACA at 700 Lorimer St. in Williamsburg and into 42-50 Richards St. studio in Red Hook.
8/18: Psyched to have had two small never-shown gouache pieces from 2012(!) in "The Empty Room" at Pixxiedusted Gallery, located in curators Jordan Kasey & David Sherman's apartment, alongside the amigos Tom Toye, Annie Gugliotta, Laura Perez-Harris, Bela Shayevich, Derick Wycherly, new buddies Josie Keefe, Dave Miko, and Leigh Ruple, and the god Shea'la. I was bummed to miss the event itself (I was eating ceviche on layover in Madison, WI) but v pleased I got to participate = friends diy show is #1 format, and Jordan is my favorite painter. :)
7/18: Here're some thoughts abt this postcard for a local performance of midsummer night's dream
7/18: Removed the google analytics script from this and future pages.
6/18: Here are the design tenets of this website.
6/18: Gonna be in Minneapolis this September-October at The White Page making work for a show opening there Friday October 26th.
6/18: Doing "commissions for any amount" again for a little while.
3/18: Have a painting in a group show "Loads of Noise" at Mike's bar, The Parlour, in Austin.
11/17: Two paintings in a show at Agency here in Dumbo.
11/17: Two paintings in "The Likes of Us" at Growroom Showroom here in Brooklyn next month.
10/17: Updated my paintings website. I think I have a couple(?!) group shows coming up. And here's a gig flyer I recently "whipped up," cup by Shea'la:
8/17: Bunch of work in a new zine w/ Nina Hartmann & Chrissy Jones, "Sell This Book" released by MORE Records.
Updated my artist website https://t.co/ICmwOdmJbw & my personal homepage to put the word "artist" in rainbow letters https://t.co/FhloH9ZVVe
— Tom Bubul (@tombubul) February 7, 2017
11/16: Moved into a new studio:
8/16: I made this wu-tang remix.
5/11/16: A few things = I'm posting to Instagram now, if you want to find me there. Updated the commissions page with some new stuff. I have some entries in "THE ENCYCLOPEDIA" vol. 1., a new encyclopedia being compiled by Bela Shayevich & Laura Perez-Harris. Best bet currently is... "NYC independent book store" or emailing me. I have two (2) available copies.
I'm working on a new drawing book, COUSYNTHS (COUSINS). Here's a sample:
3/1/16: Updated the portfolio.
1/22/16: I put a fiction up: "A lordosis"
1/20/16: Five pics up from the first round of commissions; general housekeeping. Happy new year ;)
11/24/15: You can now commission artwork for any budget.
8/29/15: My new show with Michael W. Hall, "A minor collision on the back road," opens on September 11th in Austin, TX at Black Lagoon. I'm going to be showing ten 2015 paintings.
Here's my studio at president st. on the lead up:
3/28/15: Me and Shea'la made a mini, "Citizens of a Forgotten World," containing 16 drawings each. You can get this from me for a small window of time by emailing me your address: