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Dirt Palace window

Probably the project I'm proudest of having had the opportunity to do while I lived in Providence as well as one of if not the most poorly-documented projects I've done ever was my window installation for The Dirt Palace in fall 2011.

In the window, about two hundred small (~6") characters walk around "on the street" in front of houses and buildings, while a dozen or so larger (4'x4'ish) entities fly around above. The visual references I can feel at play here are "black metal teenagers," "bullet hell boss battle," and "riding my bike thru desolate Providence at night."

I painted the backdrop direct to the wall, using the "music room" motif that was big during this era. The characters and the entities were both jigsawed out of masonite (this project was where I first encountered masonite dust), then everything was painted black. The characters were drawn straight to their jigsawed forms with paint pens, and made to stand free by pin-nailing them to little posts. The entities were painted direct to their forms in leftover Dirt Palace housepaints, and hung by wire.

My documentation for this project really couldn't be worse, but again, I was so glad to get to do it. So here it is:

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