👉 back to the dungeons

A minor collision on the back road

This was an unusually experimental/low stakes duo show Mike & I had in Austin, pretty far outside the bounds of my usual contexts, maybe filed best under "playing a weird show on tour." Unusually, I don't think either of us were involved with the install at all, and a funny longer-term art handling takeaway from this for me has been that this was when I learned how to pack and ship larger-sized panels. None of this is a complaint; literally any reason to go visit Mike in Texas will always do, and the opening, on September 11th, which I flew down for day-of, was pretty fun.

I showed the second set of NYC paintings at this, gouaches on panels. This was one of those situations where it took mailing the work to Texas then flying there to see it up in a room to realize painting things like, "I need to stop using gouaches." This show also helped me realize and clarify my intentions around when to have "a show" moving forward: in artist-run spaces that I'm specifically excited to interact with, or in other spaces that are specifically excited to help me do something beyond the limits of what I can do myself.

👉 back to the dungeons